About The Book and The Key

Hi, I’m Trish. Welcome!
Creating The Book and the Key had been a dream of mine for several years, a place where I could do the things I love (divination and energy work) together with lovely people drawn to working with me. It’s here! I’m open now! And I even get to teach the skills I use!
I’ve been a Reiki Master for over fifteen years and am a certified Akashic Records practitioner, with several certifications through Linda Howe’s Centre for Akashic Studies. I love Card Reading, especially the Lenormand system, and using the Pendulum and Healy machine for energy work, clearing and emotional freedom.
As a young adult I became a certified massage therapist in Canada, learnt Kahuna massage from a Hawai’ian Kahuna in Hawai’i, studied and practised Aromatherapy and Reiki in Australia. (World travel used to be my thing). I’m now a Level 6 Reiki Master (of the 7 level system lineage that I practice).
I have a long-standing interest in the Energy Body and love working with the Pendulum, especially to increase my Vibrational Frequency and do chakra work! That combined with card readings and the lovable Akashic Records, and my heart is replete!
I feel really lucky to get to work doing what I love. And I can’t wait to work with you!
I love cats!
You can catch me on Instagram @thebookandthekey and check out my Tarot inspired clothing line in my Etsy store.