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06. Clouds – Lenormand Meanings and Combinations

6. Clouds - Lenormand Meanings and Combinations

6. Clouds – Meaning

Light: Confusion clearing up, the sun coming out from behind the clouds. Vagueness, doubt and uncertainty changing to clarity.

Dark: Vagueness, Doubt, Uncertainty, Confusion increasing

The cool thing about the Clouds card is that it has two sides, light and dark. Check your deck for which side is darker coloured and which side is lighter coloured. There is no standardisation between decks as to which side light or dark clouds needs to be on.   

(This is similar to the People cards, #28 and #29, in that they could be facing either direction – or even forward! – in each individual deck).

Rarely, a deck will have only Clouds, with no side lighter or darker. In this case, go by the guidebook of the deck for meanings and combinations. Or, combine the dark and light meanings below and choose which one fits best.

Both the Light and the Dark sides of the Clouds are associated with doubt, uncertainty and vagueness. But! This haze of confusion doesn’t stay like that, it either gets worse (*gulp*) or gets better (yay!) And that’s the difference, the clouds show the movement of our understanding and clarity descending into further chaos or clearing up and getting brighter! Clouds aren’t static, they move across the sky, the cards around it will give you a tempo, pace and reason.

Clouds (light) makes me happy to see; I know things are going to improve and become clearer – blue sky is appearing behind the clouds as more and more light returns. Clarity and an improved mood incoming! Clouds (dark) though… it’s being unable to trust ourselves and what’s going on around us because our mental clarity is so…bad!

Remember, Clouds (dark) doesn’t have to mean complete overwhelm in all areas of our life, the cards around it will give great insight into the root cause of the problem and the area it’s applicable to.

Imagine – you are standing INSIDE a cloud, fog billowing around you…that’s this card to a tee! Light Clouds: suddenly the fog shows more and more blue sky and light until it parts! And the sun shows itself in the sky. If you turned around, Dark Clouds would get thicker and thicker, pressing in on you until you don’t know which direction is which. Which way do you go? Confusion and overwhelm… Ahem, so, that’s why I like to talk about Dark Clouds first usually! Ending on such a darkly dramatic note is…a bit much! Hahaha.

In terms of which body part it represents, the lungs! The Clouds are up in the airy sky, so that makes sense 🙂 I have this to mean ‘breathing’ as well. So, for example, Light Clouds + Rider could be out of breath from running or exercise. Dark Clouds + Rider could mean asthma.

As an example, someone close to me was experiencing depression that was NOT moving out of their life. They got the Clouds (light to the left and dark to the right) and behind it on the right…the Anchor card! The Dark side of the clouds was anchored in to stay! What’s great about the Grand Tableau set up (the spread that uses the whole deck), is that I could then look to the House of the Sun (the Sun card is number 31, so I look at what card is sitting on top of position 31 The Sun), and also where the actual Sun card was in the spread (and what house it was sitting in), for advice for them as to how to bring back ‘the sun’ (happiness, confidence, clarity) by seeing what was influencing it. I love the Grand Tableau!

If you’ve got Dark Clouds in a 2 card draw, pick up the deck so the picture side is facing you. Keeping the cards in order, look through the deck until you find the Sun card. Pick out the card above it (closest to you) and the actual Sun card. Lay them in that order on the table, that is, the Sun card goes on the left, and the card that was above the Sun card goes to the right. Pairing the Sun card with whatever you found it with can show a way out of the Dark Clouds. There’s lots of different methods – this is a quick easy one I like.

Body Part: The lungs/respiratory system says Sylvie Steinbach. But for me it’s strongly associated with mental health and brain chemistry. In this way, I kind of swap the Tree and the Clouds compared to how Sylvie does it.

Timing and Pace: 6 days, weeks, months or years. The 6th month of the year (June). Pace can be mercurial, changeable, lol, but if you think about clouds, they cover ALL the paces! From the doldrums to cyclonic speeds! The clouds change constantly, so for pace and timing “the only constant is change”.

Associated Playing Card: King of Clubs

Astrology: Neptune (illusions) and Mercury (intellect). But Sylvie Steinbach also associas it with all air signs and in some cases Pisces and Libra (calling them “the double signs”)

Valence: Negative

Clouds Combinations


Primary Card Secondary Card Combination Meanings
Clouds (Light)
Things will be cleared up very soon. Logistics obstacles are being solved.
Clouds (Dark)
Confusion is about to increase very soon. Logistics obstacles are increasing. Pessimistic about a package or news arriving.
Clouds (Light)
Things clarify with a bit of fun and lightheartedness. Mood lightens after a bit of fun and play. Becoming more certain about whether you should take a risk.
Clouds (Dark)
Less and less certain about whether to take a risk. A joke or game makes someone feel bad or confused.
Clouds (Light)
Taking a trip clears your head. Becoming clear about whether to take a trip. Becoming more certain about whether to make a trade.
Clouds (Dark)
Feeling depressed about an upcoming trip. The logistics of a trip are not settled. Organising a trip is confusing.
Clouds (Light)
Feeling happier about your home arrangements. It becomes easier to understand how to improve security or stability in your life or home.
Clouds (Dark)
Feeling depressed or confused about home arrangements. Things becoming more uncertain and unstable.
Clouds (Light)
Uncertainty about a health issue clears up! Mental health improves. A family member helps clarify things.
Clouds (Dark)
Uncertainty about a health issue increases! Mental health deteriorates. A family member increases confusion or doubt. Your trust in a family member diminishes.
Clouds (Light)
Your mental health improves with yoga! You are able to think more flexibly about a situation or in general. You become clearer about a 'snake' in your life. Someone's maliciousness makes things clear.
Clouds (Dark)
Your mental dexterity decreases. You become more rigid in your thinking. Someone's maliciousness brings on depression. Being gaslit.
Clouds (Light)
Greater clarity about an ending or an outcome. Confusion about an illness is clearing up.
Clouds (Dark)
Reduce clarity about an ending or an outcome. Confusion about an illness is increasing. Depression, mental illness.
Clouds (Light)
Increased understanding / certainty about skills or talents. A piece of art brightens your life. Confusion about a date lifts. Someone showing they like you romantically lifts your spirits.
Clouds (Dark)
Decreased understanding / certainty about skills or talents. Dark or miserable art. Confusion about a date increases. Doubt or confusion about someone showing they like you romantically.
Clouds (Light)
Increased mental clarity lets you make a firm decision. A lighter mood helps you make an irrevocable choice.
Clouds (Dark)
Decreased mental clarity reduces your ability to think quickly on the spot. Increased doubt or confusion around an irrevocable choice. Mental fog causes an accident or injury.
Clouds (Light)
Heavy exercise helps clear your head. You're coming to have a clearer understanding of abuse or torment in your life (from others, or that you are doing to others).
Clouds (Dark)
Abuse or torment are creating mental ill health. Arguments make you unable to think clearly.
Clouds (Light)
A discussion helps you think more clearly. A small amount of anxiety is passing. Spending time with birds makes you feel happier or lighter.
Clouds (Dark)
Unable to think clearly about or during a discussion. Your feelings are worsening about a couple you know. A discussion increases your doubt about something.
Clouds (Light)
A small amount of hope. Your mental clarity improves because of something new. Time spent with a child helps you feel better.
Clouds (Dark)
A small amount of doubt or unease. Something new decreases your optimism. Confusion around the topic of a child.
Clouds (Light)
Work topics are becoming clearer in your mind. Psychologist. You're happier about work more now.
Clouds (Dark)
Psychologist. Confusion in regards to work. Becoming depressed about work. Feeling vague or numb at work. Upset about someone tricking you.
Clouds (Light)
15. Bear
More at ease about long-term finances. Your mental clarity improves because of an authority figure/mother/boss. You become happier and have better mental clarity because of a weights workout regime.
Clouds (Dark)
15. Bear
Feeling vague or unclear about (or because of) an authority figure/boss/mother. Confusion about long-term finances.
Clouds (Light)
16. Stars
Your mental clarity improves with hope and inspiration about something. You have a clearer image of what your dreams are.
Clouds (Dark)
16. Stars
Your mental clarity suffers as hope or inspiration about something changes or is lost. You have an unclear image of what your dreams are.
Clouds (Light)
17. Stork
Increased clarity about a move or change. Your mood is uplifted. Becoming clearer about a return or reconnection.
Clouds (Dark)
17. Stork
Increased doubt or pessimism about a change. Confusion about moving house. Spiritless or vague about an upcoming reunion.
Clouds (Light)
18. Dog
More at ease with / increased clarity about a friend. A clearer position on a loyalty issue. Your mood improves because of someone's uncritical admiration. A friend cheers you up.
Clouds (Dark)
18. Dog
Confused about / depressed because of a friend. Loyalty is questioned.
Clouds (Light)
19. Tower
Temporary confusion about higher aspirations. Confusion between yourself and a business/organisation/institution is clearing up. Your mood is lifting because of being able to have some alone time.
Clouds (Dark)
19. Tower
Temporary depression because of too much alone time. Confusion increasing about higher aspirations/lofty goals. Confusion between yourself and a business/organisation/institution is getting worse. A psychology clinic.
Clouds (Light)
20. Garden
Confusion/something is unclear about social issues. Increased clarity about social networking. Your marketing plan is unclear. Your mood lifts with some lovely social interaction/a party.
Clouds (Dark)
20. Garden
Feeling sad because of a social faux pas. It becomes less clear as to whether a party will go ahead.
Clouds (Light)
21. Mountain
Your mood lifts with a mountain hike! You are becoming clearer about obstacles in your path. A large amount of confusion is clearing up.
Clouds (Dark)
21. Mountain
A delay in clarifying details becoming available. Your mental faculties are hugely reduced (temporarily). Doubt and confusion about an obstacle.
Clouds (Light)
22. Crossroads
Your mood lifts with a new opportunity becoming available. Confusion over multiple options is clearing up. Becoming clearer about the best approach.
Clouds (Dark)
22. Crossroads
Getting lost while on a journey! Increased doubt or confusion about a choice. More information increases your befuddlement. The fog doubles.
Clouds (Light)
23. Mice
Your mental clarity increases because of a diet. Details become clearer about a depletion/spoilage/lack/theft of something. Confusion lifts incrementally.
Clouds (Dark)
23. Mice
Confusion increases incrementally. Mental clarity suffers because of diet. Details about a theft/loss/lack become less and less clear.
Clouds (Light)
24. Heart
You become clearer about a love issue. Your mood lifts from practising your hobby. You become more certain about a romance.
Clouds (Dark)
24. Heart
Sadness over a romance. Heart break clouds the mind. Hidden information from your lover.
Clouds (Light)
25. Ring
A promising contract lifts your mood. More information about an agreement. Feeling more certain about a bond/prominse/contract. With each cycle the details become clearer.
Clouds (Dark)
25. Ring
Hidden information about a contract or agreement. Dark thoughts about an issue go round and round. Unclear bond.
Clouds (Light)
26. Book
Improving your mood with a good book. New knowledge helps you to feel better about something. Secrets coming to light.
Clouds (Dark)
26. Book
Secrets cause confusion. A book bums you out. Depressed about your studies.
Clouds (Light)
27. Letter
Hope returns after you receive an email or text from someone. An email/letter or SMS clears up confusion.
Clouds (Dark)
27. Letter
You feel worse or more confused after reading some sort of written communication. Someone's written directions make you get lost.
Clouds (Light)
28. Man / Person
You understand a male (or whoever the "Man" card signifies) better. A male helps you feel more hopeful or have greater clarity about something. Feeling clearer about what action to take.
Clouds (Dark)
28. Man / Person
You understand a male (or whoever the "Man" card signifies) less. Increased confusion about or because of a male. Feeling less clear about what action to take. Pessimism about what you think you need to do.
Clouds (Light)
29. Woman / Person
You understand a female (or whoever the "Woman" card signifies) better. A female helps you feel more hopeful or have greater clarity about something. Feeling clearer or more optimistic about a female.
Clouds (Dark)
29. Woman / Person
You understand a female (or whoever the "Woman" card signifies) less. Increased confusion about or because of a female. Pessimism about a female. Setbacks with your female partner.
Clouds (Light)
30. Lily
Clarity and harmony return. Confusion about an older person clears up. Hope slowly returns.
Clouds (Dark)
30. Lily
Hope slowly decreases. Confusion about an older person. Depressed about becoming older. Feeling confused or depressed about the ethics/morality of a situation.
Clouds (Light)
31. Sun
The clouds part and the sun returns! (Your blah mood turns to happiness). The day's weather starts out cloudy but becomes lovely and sunny 🙂 Depression lifts and happiness and vitality return. Someone bright and vital cheers you up.
Clouds (Dark)
31. Sun
The clouds cover the sun. Your success/happiness brings feelings of anxiety or overwhelm. A depressed self-centred person. Too mentally out-of-it to see that everything is turning out well. Your vitality/energy is sapped because of your depressed or confused mental state. Self-esteem issues (sun can be solar plexus/confidence).
Clouds (Light)
32. Moon
Your depression/confusion lifts! Your intuition becomes clearer/more powerful. Optimistic feelings. PMT lifts!
Clouds (Dark)
32. Moon
PMT! Seasonal/cyclical depression. Unable to connect with your intuition. Brooding over dark memories. Your anxiety/sadness intensifies at night. A magical curse of confusion!
Clouds (Light)
33. Key
Feeling more optimistic due to a success! Figuring out what was making you confused or unhappy. Feeling positive again! A discovery makes things clear.
Clouds (Dark)
33. Key

Feeling depressed and confused despite a solution being present. Finding the reason for the dark mood. Feeling blah or down after a success.

Clouds (Light)
34. Fish
A boost in your mood because of money/abundance. Feeling optimistic about your finances. A hidden source of money is found!
Clouds (Dark)
34. Fish
Feeling depressed or confused about money/your finances. Unable to figure out your budget/getting confused by numbers. Dreading going swimming. Shopping makes you feel terrible.
Clouds (Light)
35. Anchor
Stability clears your unease. A renewed sense of optimism to persevere. A trip to the beach clears the cobwebs from your mind. Something steady/reliable/long-term improves your mood.
Clouds (Dark)
35. Anchor
Long-term depression. Your mood worsens due to someone being stubborn. Your stubborness stops you from seeing the good in a situation. Being around the beach or harbour area makes you feel horrid/down. Very uncertain about someone's faithfulness/fidelity.
Clouds (Light)
36. Cross
Renewed optimism about a burden. Clarity around something that brings you guilt or grief. Optimism combatting pessimism. Feeling better about something that has strict rules or regulations.
Clouds (Dark)
36. Cross
Feeling overwhelmed or pessimistic about burdens/hard duties. A miserable work load. Oppressive dogma.

For more meanings and information, head to Wikipedia’s Lenormand page.


Or check out my “Recommended Lenormand Resources” page for sites, vids and books I love 🙂

Copyright 2022 Patricia Appleyard – Australia