Want to know the meaning of the Child card in the Lenormand? Read on below!
How about combinations for the Child? We’ve got that too!
My meaning of the Child is different in some way to almost every other Lenormand cartomancy practitioner or expert, and yours will be also.
When you’re starting out, it’s good to check meanings on different websites and in different books, until you settle on what feels right for you. Make the card your own!
Remember, every Lenormand card has many different meanings.
If a particular meaning draws your attention or feels right – go with it!
13. The Child – Meaning
- New
- Small or tiny!
- A child / young person in your life
- Vulnerable / needs protecting
- Playful / fun
- Naive
- Immature / childish characteristics : impatient, selfish etc.
- Spontaneous
- Innocent
- The inner child
Imagine a child, so much smaller than you. So much energy to move and play! Laughing and smiling at what tickles their fancy. So much to learn and explore. They are new to the world, naive.
This doesn’t mean they are meek! Willful striving towards their desires is something that is to be culturally sculpted, society by society, culture by culture. They want what they want, honestly. They often want it right NOW! Hahaha.
Children are often impetuous, unknowingly cruel and selfish and can show brutish behaviour! So, when this card is an adjective for an adult in the Querant’s life, it can mean they are pretty annoying!! Hahaha. (Or it could just mean they are really short…)
Exploration and play are a huge part of being a child, they are openly curious and touch, taste and test all that comes onto their path. They bully and are bullied, they share and give, they demand and take.
They are loving and affectionate. They can be violent, biting and waving their fists around, unwittingly hitting what is in front of them in their enthusiasm. Accidentally cruel, unconditionally loving. They are all a human can be without the masks and conditioning.
Children are a ball of willpower and fast growth (the Tree card has the “growth” meaning also, so it can be interesting when you find them paired together).
They need guardianship and teaching, they are vulnerable and need protection. They are in awe of the beautiful mundane that is new to them. They anticipate with eagerness and enthusiasm. For some, children are the reason for their whole existence, for others a bane to be avoided!!
Our personal experiences of childhood can colour this card. This card can represent the Inner Child.
The Body Part the Child card represents is the chest and breasts.
Astrologically, the Moon can be represented by the Child card.
Timing: 13 days, weeks, months or years. The 13th of the month.
Associated Lenormand playing card: Jack of Spades
Valence: Neutral
The Child Combinations
Primary | Secondary | Combined Meanings |
13 Child | 1 Rider |
An acrobatic / brave child. A toy vehicle. An immature visitor. (News of) A baby is about to arrive! Literally a child riding a horse. New news. |
13 Child | 2 Clover |
A happy go lucky child. Small good fortune or joy. A birthday party. Early stages of an addiction. Happy childhood. |
13 Child | 3 Ship | A small journey. A young person from overseas or with an exotic appearance. New stock has arrived. Early stages of a trip. A new route. |
13 Child | 4 House |
Childhood home. A stable / patient child. A doll house. A child who lives under your roof. |
13 Child | 5 Tree |
A child’s health. Your health when you were a child. A child’s family (ancestors/nuclear/extended). New child in the family! A child’s growth. |
13 Child | 6 Clouds (light) |
Something new or small brings clarity to a situation. A child brings cheer. Vulnerability caused by mental fatigue or fog clears up. |
13 Child | 6 Clouds (dark) | A child creates confusion. Vulnerability caused by being unable to think clearly or being depressed. A person younger than you who isn’t very clear-headed. |
13 Child | 7 Snake |
A child or young person is adaptable or flexible. A new kind of surprise. Feeling youthful after doing yoga or stretching! A child requires you to be adaptable or flexible to their needs. |
13 Child | 7 Snake (Negative) | Someone younger than you who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Someone acting nieve, innocent or playful for the purposes of trying to manipulate you. Immature and malicious behaviour. |
13 Child | 8 Coffin |
New or small illness. Something new comes to an end. Being vulnerable due to an illness or something ending. A toy / doll / something new or small in a box. A light-hearted outcome. Their days of acting childishly (about something) are over. |
13 Child | 9 Bouquet |
Childhood crush. A childish infatuation. A child with a sweet temperament. A child with lots of advanced skills/talents. A beautiful looking child. A small gift. A newly discovered talent. Naive / innocent generousity. Sweet playfulness. |
13 Child | 10 Scythe | Childhood surgery / accident / vaccinations. Someone needs protection from sharp things! A decision that could change a young person’s life. Cancellation of a new or fun thing. A young person with a sharp tongue. (If paired with the Fox card, a junior surgeon). |
13 Child | 11 Whip (and the Broom) |
Heavy labour/highly physical activity by a young athletic person. Pain caused unknowingly/from an innocent place. Little bit of exercise. Novelty in exercise. A young bully. Something you did over and over as a child. |
13 Child | 12 Birds |
A chatty child. A gossipy youth. A small/quick chat. Teasing with words. A new trend. A pair of children (can be twins). Stories/songs/urban legends from when you were a child. New tidbit of gossip! Exploring/improvising/playing with words or song. Making up a story. Talking with an innocent or naive person. |
13 Child | 13 Child |
A small bit of fun. A playful young person. Extremely naive. Your inner child is asking you to be more playful. Someone who is very vulnerable. A very small child. |
13 Child | 14 Fox |
Someone who looks innocent, but is actually a trickster! New work. A young or youthful person you work with. A false start. |
13 Child | 15 Bear | New ideas/vulnerability around your long-term finances. A mother’s child. A newly started retirement or long-term savings fund. A bossy child. |
13 Child | 16 Stars | A child star. New fame. A gifted child. Star seed, child of the divine (we all are, but sometimes it’s more obvious than other times). A new or young spirit guide. A small wish. New hope. A vulnerable path to your “True North”. |
13 Child | 17 Stork | New baby is born. Pregnancy. A small trip to a different country. Beginning of a positive evolution.New season. |
13 Child | 18 Dog | New/young/vulnerable/short or child-like friend. Innocent friendship. Friendly teasing. A supportive/loyal young person. |
13 Child | 19 Tower | New organisation or business. A youthful government worker. Naivety hardening into pragmatism. A formal-behaving/serious child. A lonely child (or child-like person). |
1 Rider | 21 Mountain | Delay in transport or a trip somewhere. Traffic jam. Big news. Large package arrives. Physical health regimen becomes difficult to continue. |
1 Rider | 22 Crossroads | Multiple deliveries or packages arriving. Driving in the wrong direction. |
1 Rider | 23 Mice | Wiry young man. Someone arrives late due to dithering. News that brings anxiety. |
1 Rider | 24 Heart | Young heart throb. Sexy times! News about a passion or hobby. |
1 Rider | 25 Ring | News of a contract. A contract finalises fast. Flirtation leads to a commitment. Engagement to an athletic young person. |
1 Rider | 26 Book | A secret is revealed! A visit by a Book Worm. News of acceptance to an educational course or institution. |
1 Rider | 27 Letter | Delivery of an official document. News via written correspondence. You are given a list by a young person. |
1 Rider | 28 Man | Behaviours/actions stereotypically attached to males in your culture. An arrogant young man. A male visitor. A significant male in your life visits unexpectedly. |
13 Child | 29 Woman | A female child. A naive-seeming/innocent/child-like/very short woman. A “tween”. A playful or carefree female. |
1 Rider | 30 Lilies | Unexpected visit from a mature gentleman. News restores harmony. Retrenchment or news of retirement. |
1 Rider | 31 Sun | A young braggart. A happy healthy person. An extrovert appears in your life. Happy news!! |
1 Rider | 32 Moon | News or a delivery that arrives in the evening. Information about your sleep. Psychic information. Emotional news. |
1 Rider | 33 Key | News of success! News of the opening of something. News which solves a puzzle. News that a wish is granted. |
1 Rider | 34 Fish | News of financial abundance. Unexpected cash arrives. An expensive car. Spending money on your car. An unexpected valuable edition. |
1 Rider | 35 Anchor | A stable young man. Daily exercise. Reliable news |
13 Child | 36 The Cross | A difficult beginning. A child/hood with a lot of troubles. The beginning of heavy responsibilities. A small burden. Innocently following the rules. Advice could be to try to bring fun and lightness to very difficult times. |
For more meanings and information, head to Wikipedia’s Lenormand page.
Or check out my “Recommended Lenormand Resources” page for sites, vids and books I love 🙂
Copyright 2022 Patricia Appleyard – Australia